“I’d never before experienced an accounting department that was so focused on customer service.”

Challenge: Growth in revenue and expansion of the product offering doubled the company’s staffing complement within three months. The accounting team was challenged with new services, and they had newly hired clerks competitively seeking to prove themselves in daily conflict requiring the manager’s constant attention.

Solution: Create a cohesive team with a strong commitment to provide the best possible service to internal clients. The individuals in conflict become allies and friends, as colleagues they pull together in support of one another. The team develops a reputation as a very helpful accounting department.

Susan Bower Consulting engages teams in planning exercises that explore who we are, what do we want to be? Utilizing psychological typing, situational role playing and facilitated visioning seminars teams grow in self-knowledge, deepen awareness of cultural differences and learn to capitalize on each others strengths.

Organizations are dynamic – they keep growing if not with purpose then by flailing about. Susan Bower Consulting helps you find the synchronicity needed to move from success to success by fostering dialogue and self-discovery.
Susan Bower Consulting Builds Team Effectiveness by:
• Chart Strategic Directions
• Design Corporate Scorecards and Strategy Maps
• Provide 360o Assessments and Climate Surveys
• Conduct Appreciative Inquiry for new directions
• Engage in Action-Research for Organizational Development
• Design a Feedback Loop for Team Performance
Case Study 1
“Take vision and strategy and make it come alive.”
Case Study 2
“I’d never before experienced an accounting department that was so helpful.”
Case Study 3
“As a new Board Member I need an assessment of management’s leadership capabilities.”

Case Study 4
“How to kill policy when it becomes irrelevant.”
Case Study 5
“They began to see themselves as actors rather than passive recipients of change.”